Saturday 13 July 2013

ABOUT YOUR POST"S please read

Hello All, Some of you maybe wondering what happened to my post or comments, Simple if its not your picture or it has been posted elsewhere we will not publish it,If you don't include subject matter in your email eg "Wifes Big Boobs" "where your from" is gets classed as spam we have found many pictures which we would love to publish but can't, So please re submitt, add extra detail and all will be "Boobie"

Comment are moderated i will not tolerate nasty,harmfull comments move on it's not welcomed Here
Any further enquires/ suggestion shot me a email
Cheers Aussie


  1. Just a quick note some time we are getting the emails with no picture attached,we will notify you ,please feel free in having another go!

  2. where do i submitt my pitures..?

  3. On the top right hand side you will see "submitt your boobs here" click on it and send your pictures to the outlined address

  4. Can u submit video. I got some great shower shots
    Naturals all soapy

    1. Yes we should be able to post your video,just Go to "submit your boobs" click on the provided links and submit attached file as you would with your pictures
      Cheer Aussie
